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- you name it!

Your basket

  • {{orderLine.quantity}} sets of 60 labels

    {{orderLine.quantity * basePrice | addDecimals}}

  • No items in basket

Tips & Tricks

It feels good, when stuff you thought were lost, suddenly turns up again.

The less you loose – the less you need to rebuy. Which both help you reduce your own spendings as well as reduces your personal carbon footprint


That's why our first and most important tip for you is: Rather tag your stuff today - not to loose it tomorrow.


We also want to share a few more experiences - both from us and our customers:

Text on StuffLabels®

The more text in one line, the smaller it becomes. When making a StuffLabel with a e.g. a first and a last name, you can try and write them on separate lines.
This makes the best use of the space and makes your text as big as possible.


Create StuffLabels® now

Select or deselect picture

You have the opportunity to select an icon on your StuffLabels®. Especially for small kids it has the advantage easyly to recognize own stuff. Even kids, that cannot read yet, will easily recognize their ladybug, spider, cow or .... There are plenty options.


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Phone number on StuffLabels®

Add a phone number to your StuffLabels® to make it easy for someone to call if they find a lost item.

However, avoid to type “Telephone number”, “Mobile number”, “Telephone no.” or other long texts in front of the phone number as it makes the text line long - and the text on your StuffLabels® pretty small.


Create StuffLabels® now

Family StuffLabels®

If you want StuffLabels® for everyone in your family, and it  seems like too much, you can create a label with just your last name and use the same set of labels for the whole family. But remember, once you start labeling things, a set of labels is quickly used up.


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StuffLabels® on pacifiers

StuffLabels® are washable in boiling water – so you can use them on pacifiers and baby bottles.


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StuffLabels® in clothing

StuffLabels® are machine washable and can be used to put names in clothing. Please note: On some clothing, elastic and loose surfaces, StuffLabels® will only adhere to the care label.


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StuffLabels® are soft

StuffLabels® do not scratch. You can easily put the name tag in the neck even though it touches the skin. 


I´m ready to order

Read more about the use of your StuffLabels® here:

How to use your StuffLabels®

Remember also to label your:


... and other stuff, you need two of :-)

Gear for the trip ...

... which makes it much easier to keep track of your gear and bring everything back home again :-)

Bike lights ...

... as they are indispensable - and rather expensive!

Books ...

... you want to share - but also would like to be returned :-)

Your cell phone ...

... that are easily lost

The vehicle ...

... that looks like everybody else's :-)

The umbrella ...

... to let the finder find you :-)

Your tool ...

... you like to lend or often forget